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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Photo Update

So, I've been M.I.A. for the last couple of weeks... here's a photo recap of what's been up...

K and I bought a car... A PT Cruiser... It's really K's car, but I love the muhfugga. We drove it to the second wedding in Tennessee...

Right when we got back from Tennessee, K's parents came to town with a ton of alcohol and the crazy desire to buy us appliances.

They bought us a stainless steel stove to match our stainless steel fridge. The old stove didn't look that nice, honestly. That and the fact that it decided to cook everything at 550 degrees (which we found out when K and I had both HER parents and MY parents over, and were trying to cook a pork loin roast for dinner)... Anyway, it's so new I haven't even used it yet...

K's parents also bought us a washing machine and dryer (not pictured because it's in a seperate room in the house)... I spent most of the day Saturday trying to level the muhfucka because the room that it's in has a slanted floor... It was shaking so bad during our inaugural load (because it wasn't leveled) that I could feel it on the other side of the house. It was a pain in the buttocks, but I ended up getting the thing straightened out.

...and the in-laws' spending spree didn't stop there. No sir. They took pity on my soul and bought me a hellafied grill. I have become worringly good at cooking burgers and steaks on this bad boy.

I had a good Saturday evening with my buddy Thad. I tried to grill out that night, but I don't think Hurricane Dennis likes my hamburgers.

Anyway, he and I are going to start working on our own music project, so expect to hear some tunes soon. He also asked me to audition for the band he's currently in, The Shut-Ups. Tough to classify their music (I guess you'd call them new wave), but they've got one of the best live shows I've ever seen. Their songs are well written. I think there are tunes on the website-- I'd recommend "What's a Booty?" and "Too Late for Disco".

So, we worked on that and I got about five of their songs down pretty well.

Well, unfortunately, I woke up the next morning with a horrible ear infection and sore throat. I don't know if it was all the drinking. Or the smoking. Or the fact that I had just cut the grass a couple of days ago. But regardless, I spent all Sunday slugging down Theraflu and sleeping on the couch. I went to the doctor and he said it was a sinus infection that was causing all of the problems. He prescribed me some Biaxin (which made me feel like I had Fallujah in my stomach).

Anyway, my audition was last night and I think I played pretty well. I kind of wish I had learned more songs for the audition, but I worked on stuff tonight and they're coming fast and furious.

Work's been hard (working 12 hour days this week) but that's just because we're still wrapping up financial statements. I'm loving it still, and feeling a great sense of enjoyment calculating variances again.

Yes, I'm so fucked in the head that I get a kick calculating variances.

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Nice site!
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