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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Tales of Suburbia: Attack of The Joneses

Back to clear out the cobwebs and see if anything funky has grown since I've been out... But lookin' around seems like everything's status quo. I didn't mean to be away from blogging for so long. I guess I took a week and a half vacation. Sorry folks-- it's nothing personal.

So things have been busy recently. Between K's birthday, Thad's birthday, and barbeques, the weekends seem to disappear as soon as they get here.

Another cool thing is K's brother, Jorge (left), has come to stay with us in the ATL. It's honestly been a blast having him here. He and I get along really well. At the very least he's someone to drink beer, tell stupid jokes and watch the game with... at the very best, he's one heck of a chef.

But he and K are going to Sewanee for the weekend to spend time with their youngest brother and their mother, "Silver Fox". So that means I'm gonna be hanging out in the ATL by my lonesome. Hopefully it'll be a nice, relaxing weekend. I plan on working on music with Thad (good stuff forthcoming... brace yo'selves) and doing a bunch of yardwork, weather permitting.

Speaking of yardwork, I've got a killer case of "keeping up with the Joneses". My next door neighbor has the nicest fucking lawn. It's this Bermuda grass that he cuts with this ridiculously complicated lawn mower that is designed to trim the putting greens on golf courses. I could seriously go out there and practice my putting on his yard, it's so damned beautiful.

And then you've got my grass, which is a combination of the grass from the neighbor's that has grown into my yard, some weeds, and some red creeping fescue. It's a truly horrible blend of turf that when, cut just right, looks like the Jolly Green Giant had a case of the shits.

So I've decided that I'm gonna turn that front yard under and replant the entire front yard. I'm gonna redo the sidewalk and plant a bunch of flowers in the front over the next few months. And one day I will win the neighborhood "Best Yard" prize, mark my words. And you better believe there will be pictures when the deed is done.

Anyway, apologies for the absence again... Next week, I'm gonna do a full week of updates now that things have settled down. And some new features will be added to this mofo.

Just keeping up with the Joneses.

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