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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Livin' with ATLiens

Day two in Atlanta.

I woke up yesterday morning, rubbing my eyes and wondering if I had made the right choice in leaving New York. When I looked out the front window of my parents house and saw TREES and GRASS, I knew everything was going to be fine.

Things are really nice down here.

Immediate upsides I've noticed:
-I haven't heard a single car horn in the last 48 hours.
-Heinz Ketchup is $.89. That's 89 FREAKIN' CENTS! (I can't believe that this amazes me like it does)
-My niece and nephew. Last night I had my niece laughing in hysterics (I was walking around her Big Bird stuffed animal), and I don't think a sweeter sound exists on the planet.
-My dad is almost as big of a baseball fanatic as I am. Just wait until I get him into fantasy baseball.
-The lack of fire and smoke.
-My new boss told me to come in around 10:00 on my first day of work. Eat it, NYC.

Immediate downsides I've noticed:
-Mosquitos. I'm not sure whether or not we've got West Nile Virus down here...
-Traffic blows. And everyone is driving their H2 or Ford Expeditions...
-Danny Kolb. Mofo blew another save and lost his "closer" job. Thanks, dude. You just screwed any chance of me maintaining 3rd place in fantasy baseball.

I'm off to go look at houses.

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